Auberry, California Weather by Month

By | July 25, 2024

Auberry is a picturesque unincorporated community located in Fresno County, in the central part of California, United States. Nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, Auberry lies at approximately 37.07° N latitude and 119.49° W longitude. The community is known for its scenic beauty, offering stunning views of rolling hills, oak woodlands, and clear blue skies.

With a population of around 2,400 residents, Auberry covers an area of approximately 20 square miles (51.8 square kilometers). The area is characterized by a rural lifestyle with a strong sense of community and a focus on outdoor activities. Auberry’s economy is primarily supported by agriculture, small businesses, and tourism, driven by its proximity to the Sierra National Forest and various recreational opportunities.

Auberry does not host major universities or globally recognized companies, but it is within a reasonable distance of educational institutions such as California State University, Fresno. The community is home to notable landmarks such as the Auberry Mill Site, which is a historic remnant of the area’s logging industry, and the Shaver Lake, a popular destination for water sports and fishing located just a short drive away.

Climate and Weather Overview

Auberry experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This type of climate results in significant seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation, providing a diverse range of weather conditions throughout the year.

Average Temperature, Precipitation, and Sunny Days by Month

Month Average High (°F) Average Low (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 54 35 4.8 10
February 58 38 4.6 11
March 63 41 4.1 13
April 69 45 2.0 14
May 77 51 1.0 15
June 87 58 0.3 16
July 94 64 0.1 17
August 93 63 0.1 16
September 87 58 0.4 15
October 77 49 1.2 13
November 63 40 3.3 10
December 54 35 4.3 9

Weather by Month


January in Auberry is typically the coldest month, with average high temperatures around 54°F and lows of 35°F. The community receives about 4.8 inches of precipitation, primarily in the form of rain. January has approximately 10 sunny days, offering a mix of clear and overcast weather.

Natural Disasters

Auberry generally does not experience severe natural disasters in January. However, heavy rainfall can sometimes lead to localized flooding and minor landslides in hilly areas.


Outdoor activities in January include hiking in the nearby Sierra National Forest and enjoying the scenic views. The cold weather also makes it a perfect time to visit local museums or attend community events at the Auberry Mill Site.


February remains cool, with average high temperatures around 58°F and lows of 38°F. Precipitation is slightly lower at 4.6 inches, with about 11 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

Similar to January, February can see occasional heavy rains, but severe weather events are rare.


February activities include winter hikes and exploring the natural beauty of the area. The mild weather is also perfect for attending cultural events and community gatherings.


March marks the beginning of spring, with average high temperatures rising to 63°F and lows to 41°F. The community receives about 4.1 inches of precipitation. Sunny days increase to 13.

Natural Disasters

March can bring the tail end of winter storms, but severe weather is relatively rare. The increased sunshine starts to encourage blooming and new growth.


As the weather warms up, outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy early spring hiking and bird watching. March is also a great time to visit local parks and start preparing gardens for the upcoming growing season.


April sees a significant warm-up, with average highs of 69°F and lows of 45°F. Precipitation decreases to 2.0 inches, and sunny days increase to 14.

Natural Disasters

April showers are common, but severe weather is rare. However, the increased rainfall can sometimes lead to localized flooding.


Spring blooms make April ideal for visiting gardens and nature reserves. Hiking and cycling become more popular as trails dry out. The mild weather is also perfect for exploring the community’s historical sites.


May brings warmer temperatures, with average highs of 77°F and lows of 51°F. Precipitation is around 1.0 inches, and sunny days increase to 15.

Natural Disasters

May typically has mild weather with few natural disasters, though occasional thunderstorms can occur.


Outdoor activities flourish in May. Popular activities include hiking, fishing, and attending local farmers’ markets. The pleasant weather is also ideal for picnics and outdoor festivals.


June sees summer temperatures, with average highs of 87°F and lows of 58°F. Precipitation is about 0.3 inches, and there are 16 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

June can bring heat waves and occasional thunderstorms, which rarely lead to severe weather.


June is perfect for boating, swimming, and camping. The warm weather and long days make it ideal for outdoor sports and exploring the area’s natural beauty.


July is the warmest month, with average highs of 94°F and lows of 64°F. Precipitation is minimal at 0.1 inches, and sunny days are plentiful at 17.

Natural Disasters

Heat waves are common in July, but severe weather is rare. However, the high temperatures can increase the risk of wildfires.


July offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, and attending local festivals. The warm weather is also perfect for barbecues and family gatherings in parks.


August remains warm, with average highs of 93°F and lows of 63°F. Precipitation is about 0.1 inches, and there are 16 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

Similar to July, heat waves can occur, increasing the risk of wildfires.


August is ideal for water activities like swimming and kayaking. The warm, sunny days are also great for outdoor concerts and community events.


September sees slightly cooler temperatures, with average highs of 87°F and lows of 58°F. Precipitation is around 0.4 inches, and there are 15 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

September usually experiences mild weather, but the transition from summer to fall can bring occasional thunderstorms.


Fall activities begin to emerge, with hiking and exploring the changing landscapes becoming popular. The cooler weather is also perfect for outdoor events and cultural festivals.


October brings mild autumn weather, with average highs of 77°F and lows of 49°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 1.2 inches, and there are 13 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

October is generally calm, but occasional storms can bring heavy rain and strong winds.


October is perfect for enjoying fall foliage, attending harvest festivals, and visiting local landmarks. The crisp air also makes it ideal for hiking and exploring nature trails.


November sees cooler weather, with average highs of 63°F and lows of 40°F. Precipitation is around 3.3 inches, and there are 10 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

Early winter storms can bring rain and wind, potentially causing travel disruptions.


As winter approaches, November activities include visiting local museums, attending holiday markets, and enjoying cozy indoor gatherings. The cooler weather also makes it a great time for outdoor activities like hiking.


December brings the start of winter, with average highs of 54°F and lows of 35°F. Precipitation is about 4.3 inches, mostly in the form of rain, and there are 9 sunny days.

Natural Disasters

Winter storms can bring heavy rain, leading to potential flooding in low-lying areas.


December is perfect for holiday festivities and enjoying the community’s winter atmosphere. Indoor activities like visiting the Auberry Mill Site and attending community holiday events are also popular.

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