Byhalia, Mississippi Weather by Month

By | March 26, 2024

Byhalia is a charming town located in Marshall County, in the northern part of Mississippi, United States. Situated approximately 25 miles southeast of Memphis, Tennessee, Byhalia is part of the Memphis Metropolitan Area, providing a tranquil suburban setting while being close to the amenities of a major city. The town is easily accessible via U.S. Route 78 and Mississippi Highway 309, making it a convenient location for residents and visitors alike.

With a population of around 1,300 residents, Byhalia offers a small-town atmosphere characterized by Southern hospitality and a strong sense of community. The town covers an area of approximately 2.7 square miles and is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Byhalia does not host major universities or large corporations, but it is near several educational institutions, including the University of Mississippi in Oxford and the University of Memphis.

Key landmarks in Byhalia include the historic Byhalia Presbyterian Church, which dates back to the mid-19th century and serves as a testament to the town’s historical roots. The town is also home to several local parks and recreational facilities, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities. Byhalia’s location in the rolling hills of northern Mississippi adds to its scenic charm, making it an attractive place for those who appreciate a quieter, more rural lifestyle.

Climate and Weather Overview

Byhalia, Mississippi, experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. The town’s climate is influenced by its inland location and proximity to the Mississippi River, which can lead to significant seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation. Byhalia receives ample rainfall throughout the year, with a distinct wet season typically occurring in the spring and early summer months.

Average Temperature, Precipitation, and Sunny Days by Month

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 33 – 51 4.6 10
February 36 – 55 4.8 10
March 44 – 64 5.6 12
April 51 – 73 5.2 14
May 60 – 81 5.0 16
June 68 – 88 4.3 18
July 71 – 91 4.7 20
August 70 – 90 4.2 20
September 64 – 84 3.7 18
October 52 – 74 3.8 16
November 42 – 63 4.7 12
December 35 – 53 4.8 10

Weather by Month


In January, Byhalia experiences cool winter temperatures, with averages ranging from 33°F to 51°F. The month typically sees about 4.6 inches of precipitation, mostly in the form of rain. While snowfall is rare, the weather can occasionally bring frost and chilly winds.

Recommended Activities: January is a great time for indoor activities such as visiting local museums or enjoying Southern comfort food at local eateries. The mild weather also makes it ideal for exploring local parks and nature trails on milder days.


February continues to be mild, with temperatures ranging from 36°F to 55°F. Precipitation is slightly higher at 4.8 inches, with rain showers being common. The weather remains relatively stable with occasional cold spells.

Recommended Activities: This month is ideal for exploring the historical sites of Byhalia, such as the Byhalia Presbyterian Church. The weather is also conducive to early spring gardening and participating in local cultural events.


March marks the beginning of a gradual transition to spring, with temperatures ranging from 44°F to 64°F. The town receives around 5.6 inches of precipitation, often in the form of rain showers and occasional thunderstorms.

Recommended Activities: As the weather warms, March is perfect for outdoor activities like hiking, bird watching, and exploring local parks. The blooming landscapes make it an excellent time for photography and enjoying the natural beauty of the area.


April brings warmer temperatures, averaging between 51°F and 73°F. Precipitation remains high at about 5.2 inches, with frequent rain showers. The weather becomes more consistent, offering more sunny days.

Recommended Activities: April is ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and exploring local nature reserves. The warmer weather also makes it a great time for attending local festivals and community events.


May sees further warming, with temperatures ranging from 60°F to 81°F, and rainfall at about 5.0 inches. The weather becomes more stable, with occasional thunderstorms.

Recommended Activities: May is perfect for outdoor activities such as fishing, boating, and enjoying picnics in local parks. The pleasant weather also makes it a great time for gardening and exploring the countryside.


June ushers in the summer with temperatures climbing between 68°F and 88°F. The month sees about 4.3 inches of rainfall, often accompanied by thunderstorms.

Recommended Activities: June is excellent for water-based activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. The warm weather is ideal for attending outdoor concerts, festivals, and exploring the local parks and recreational areas.


July is typically the hottest month, with temperatures ranging from 71°F to 91°F. The town receives around 4.7 inches of rain, often in the form of short but intense thunderstorms. The weather is generally hot and humid.

Recommended Activities: This month is perfect for enjoying summer activities, including hiking, biking, and attending local fairs and festivals. The Fourth of July celebrations, including fireworks and parades, are major highlights.


August remains hot, with temperatures between 70°F and 90°F. Rainfall is slightly lower at around 4.2 inches. The weather remains mostly sunny and warm, with occasional thunderstorms.

Recommended Activities: August is ideal for attending local fairs, enjoying outdoor concerts, and exploring the area’s parks and recreational facilities. The warm temperatures are perfect for outdoor dining, picnics, and exploring the natural beauty of the region.


September sees a gradual cooling, with temperatures averaging between 64°F and 84°F. The town receives about 3.7 inches of rain, and the weather begins to transition to fall.

Recommended Activities: As the weather cools, September is great for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and enjoying the early fall foliage. The cooler evenings are perfect for attending local events and exploring Byhalia’s historical sites.


October is characterized by mild temperatures, ranging from 52°F to 74°F. The town experiences about 3.8 inches of rainfall. The fall foliage provides a beautiful backdrop for various activities.

Recommended Activities: October is perfect for enjoying the autumn colors, visiting local pumpkin patches, and participating in fall festivals. The cooler weather is also ideal for exploring nature trails and enjoying the local scenery.


November experiences temperatures between 42°F and 63°F, with about 4.7 inches of rainfall. The weather continues to cool, and the town starts preparing for winter.

Recommended Activities: November is great for indoor activities such as visiting local museums and enjoying community events. The cool weather also makes it a good time for early holiday shopping and attending local craft fairs.


December brings cooler temperatures, averaging between 35°F and 53°F. The town receives around 4.8 inches of precipitation, often in the form of rain. The holiday season brings festive events and decorations to the community.

Recommended Activities: December is ideal for holiday shopping, attending local events, and enjoying the festive atmosphere. The cooler weather is perfect for cozy indoor activities and participating in community holiday celebrations.

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